
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11625 From: Santiago Date: 6/2/2015
Subject: encoder adjust in Kflop

Hallo everyone, I carry on with my test in the kflop board, this time I incorporated or I install a quadrature scale to measure, the scale is 0.005mm resolution,so  200 counts/mm.

if the Kflop reed at 4X the count numbers/mm,

(because there are 4 different states in a complete cycle of the A B signals. So it is 200x4 = 800 counts/mm.)

My motor has 200step/rev

the driver has 1/16 µstep

The total nº µstep is 200x16= 3200 µstep/rev

The ball screw has 4mm pich so 3200/4= 800µstep/mm

The conection of the ball screw and motor ar 1:1 I mean direct.

so the gain is : µstep of motor/counts of encoder  800/800 = 1 

The PROBLEM is that this gain (1) is incorrect, if I put that value the measure of the scale is totaly diferent of the motor .
To have the right measure in the kmotion in the blue numbers I have to put  4 in the gain value.
WHY????  The Kflop does not read 4X or I making something wrong?
This is the  before step to make close loop with the stepper motor and the digital scale, but before that I want to know this clear.
Thaks Santiago

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Group: DynoMotion Message: 11626 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/2/2015
Subject: Re: encoder adjust in Kflop
Hi Santiago,

Your reasoning sounds correct to me.  KFLOP does count quadrature transitions so it should result in 4X counts over the number of lines on the scale.

If the scale is rated at 0.005mm resolution that may already be considering the quadrature transitions.  20um scale line pitch is a common value.  Do you know for sure what the manufacturer means by "0.005mm resolution"?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11633 From: Santiago Date: 6/3/2015
Subject: Re: encoder adjust in Kflop
Hy Tom, first of all, thanks for your support and all your responses,
Regarding to the scale, the manufacture  is chinesse, and the seller says sell me as 0.005mm resolution, but don´t know why this appens

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Group: DynoMotion Message: 11634 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/3/2015
Subject: Re: encoder adjust in Kflop
Well resolution normally means the smallest distance that can be resolved which would be each quadrature transition.

If the manufacturer stated 200 lines per mm or 200 cycles per mm then one could expect the resolution to be 4X higher.
